Services & Offerings

Access Bars
Enjoy A Wonderful Experience Of Lightness And Spaciousness.
Access Bars are 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that stop you from creating a life you love.

Astrology Readings
Hellenistic Ancient Astrological Readings
Natal Chart Analysis- (30 minutes) Gain insight into your gifts, life purpose, and challenges using the ancient language of astrology.
Monthly Horoscope (30 minutes) Yearly Horoscope (1 1/2 hours) - Prepare for the upcoming month by understanding the astrological transits at play and how they affect your personal natal chart.

Alexander Technique
Movement Re-Education.
The Alexander Technique is a form of movement re-education that's been around for over 125 years. Developed by F.M. Alexander (1869-1955), the Alexander Technique is a way of unlearning harmful habits of movement and posture. When these unconscious habits are not addressed and left unchecked, they gradually and continually come to distort the body and mind. By learning how to not interfere with the body’s natural co-ordination the Alexander Technique fosters lasting long-term change.
Benefits include lessening of daily aches and pains, improved posture and alignment, a better sense of balance and body awareness, increased confidence and well-being, and freedom and ease in movement.
Sign up for a lesson today!

Bowen Technique
Rebalancing the Body by Getting to the Source of Your Pain.
In 1986 Tom Bowen created Bowen Technique (or Bowenwork), and ever since it’s been gaining in popularity. Bowen Technique itself is a gentle and effective manual therapy that balances tension patterns, resulting in a state of deep relaxation, and relieving many types of dysfunctions in the body. Worldwide it’s come to be recognized for its non-invasive, highly effective way of helping people to be free of pain without resorting to needles, manipulation, pills, or massage. This modality combines many different elements from osteopathy, acupuncture, acupressure, and craniosacral therapy to create a unique approach to body manipulation.

Craniosacral Therapy
Allowing For More Fluidity Within The Craniosacral System.
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach to healing that focuses on the craniosacral system. This includes the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Developed by John Upledger in the 1970s, CST is based on the concept that the craniosacral system has its own rhythm and that disruptions in this rhythm can lead to physical or emotional problems.
During a session the practitioner uses light touch to detect and release restrictions in the craniosacral system. This may involve gentle manipulations of the ones of the skull, spine, and pelvis as well as subtle movements to encourage the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.
CST often is used to address conditions including headaches, neck and back pain, stress and tension, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, and emotional trauma.
For more information on CST, please visit

Emotional Clearing
Identifying and Clearing Emotional Blockages.
This emotional release technique neutralizes negative thought patterns and belief systems that get trapped in the body and can cause physical and emotional pain. Emotional Clearing identifies, acknowledges, and releases stored emotions that may be causing an imbalance in one’s emotional well-being. This allows you to move forward with life.
End-of-Life Care
Being There For You.
Navigating conversations about the end of life can be intricate and challenging, especially when discussing it with loved ones. Having a trusted guide to accompany you on this journey can make all the difference.
Choose from 2 options:
Consult only
Consult with loved one’s meeting
In our consult, we discuss your advance directive, determine who your health care proxy(s) will be, and a Living Well end-of-life plan in easy-to-understand language. Our time together is not only focused on providing compassionate care but also ensuring you receive these crucial documents*.
When discussing this complex topic with loved ones, having support is invaluable. Opt for the "Consult with Loved Ones Meeting," and we will convene with your healthcare proxy(s) and key loved ones to articulate your wishes. This inclusive approach ensures everyone leaves the meeting feeling heard, supported, and cared for.
Why do we need an end-of-life care consultant?
The significance of a care consultant lies in the essential need for advocates who can facilitate informed, thoughtful decisions regarding future treatment options. Many individuals find themselves grappling with the complexities of medical jargon, forms, and choices, making end-of-life planning an overwhelming task.
Death Doulas exists to alleviate this burden, striving to simplify the process. A paramount principle guiding our assistance is unwavering commitment to safety—while we may face challenges, ensuring the safety of our clients is non-negotiable, and we go above and beyond to fulfill all other aspects of your end-of-life plans.
*Documents delivered via email within 3 business days

Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy
Deep Healing Via The Subconscious Mind.
Heart-Centered-Hypnotherapy approaches therapy from a deeply caring and dynamically healing perspective. Our highly trained therapists and practitioners embrace the concepts of self-determination and the belief that every client contains, deeply within their own subconscious mind, the key to their own individual health and healing.
The subconscious mind contains 90 percent of the mind and within that 90 percent is the deeply held key that unlocks the client’s individual inner guidance. It is through learning how to access the deeply personal guidance held within each human being, at the subconscious level, that Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy excels. Our therapists allow the client’s subconscious mind to determine where the deepest healing needs to take place. We proceed slowly and listen carefully to the revelations of the deeper mind, body, and spirit of our clients.
Recommended for depression, anxiety, addictions, chronic health issues, relationship issues. Couples’ sessions are also available.

Intuitive Readings
Journey Into The Vibrant Tapestry Of Your Aura.
An intuitive session is where we embark on a journey into the vibrant tapestry of your aura colors to unravel the meanings behind these hues and discover how to harness their inherent power for your growth and well-being. Additionally, we offer the opportunity to connect directly with your Spirit Team, receiving messages and guidance from the spiritual realm.
Dive deep into the mystical realm as we explore the wisdom of tarot or oracle cards, unlocking insights and guidance to navigate life's paths with clarity and purpose. Join us for a transformative experience where intuition leads the way to self-discovery and empowerment.

Massage Therapy
Undoing The Stress Of The Day.
Massage is a holistic pain and stress management protocol which is used to assess and relieve pain disorders and body ailments, through acupressure points, meridians, chakras, trigger points, and motor points.
Massage is extremely effective and quick. This treatment releases tightness, tenderness, and restrictions in the fascia, plus it greatly enhances the effectiveness of massage.
Carlisle Bowen Works offers a variety of massages including therapeutic, lymphatic drainage, deep-tissue, and hot stone.

McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release (MSTR®)
Innovative And Effective Therapeutic Approach For The Treatment Of Scar Tissue.
McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release (MSTR®) is a manual therapy developed by Alastair McLoughlin and is designed to address scar tissue and restrictions. When the body undergoes surgery, injury, or trauma, scar tissue forms as a part of the natural healing process. However, this can sometimes lead to discomfort, restricted movement, and even pain.
MSTR® involves gentle manipulation of the scar tissue using specific hand movements and pressure. This is in turn breaks down adhesions with the scar tissue improving circulation and restoring mobility and functioning to the affected area.
The above quote and more information on MSTR® can be found at

Changing Subconscious Patterns.
Civilization, as we know it, is in the process of making a monumental shift in human consciousness of which we are all playing a part, consciously and subconsciously. Every aspect of our lives, both personal and professional, is being profoundly affected. Using PSYCH-K®, you can help to positively direct this change.
PSYCH-K® allows you to quickly and painlessly change subconscious beliefs that are limiting the full expression of your potential in life, as a spiritual being having a human experience. This includes your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.
When you rewrite the software of your mind, you change the printout of your life… and the world!

Light Touch, Deep Healing.
Reiki (pronounced Ray-Kee) is a “hands-on” healing technique that is beneficial for stress reduction, reduces physical pain, and promotes healing. It comes from the Japanese words “rei” (universal) and “ki” (life force energy).
Commonly referred to as “energy healing,” Reiki treats the whole person including the physical body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Energy that stagnates in the body due to physical injury or emotional distress can lead to energetic blockages that cause illness — often chronic in nature. Reiki brings the energetic body into balance, relieving stress and pain, while promoting overall well-being.

Reiki Mobilization
Energetic Bowen Technique.
Reiki Mobilization was created in 2023 by Carlisle Bowen Works’ owner and founder Nancy Bittinger. This unique modality incorporates Bowen Technique and Reiki and uses Reiki to facilitate decongestion of energy in the body.
Reiki Mobilization is a wonderful option for those sensitive to touch and is a trauma-informed bodywork. This work uses gentle touch to get the body out of the fight-or-flight response and into deep relaxation.

Visceral Manipulation
Addressing What's Inside.
Visceral manipulation is a therapeutic technique developed by French osteopath and physical therapist Jean-Pierre Barral. It involves gentle manual therapy focused on the internal organs, including the liver, intestines, kidneys, and stomach. The aim of visceral manipulation is to encourage normal mobility, tone, and motion of the internal organs and their connective tissues.

Combination Services
Pick And Choose! Mix And Match!
Combination services are exactly what they sound like. For example, you could experience Massage Therapy & Bowen Technique, or Alexander Technique & Bowen Technique. Please visit the below link to view our complete list of combination services offered.